Creative Personal Assistant

18 Feb, 2021

Summary Creative Personal Assistant is a speculative prototype I made to explore Stable Diffusion, the open source text-to-image AI model that was released August 2022. As I started exploring Stable Diffusion for this prototype just a few weeks after its release, the infrastructure required to run it was slow, unstable and had associated fees, so no online demo is available for the time being. Example of e-mail response from my Creative Personal Assistant ...

Adventure Writer

Summary As this year’s first side project, I decided to make an Adventure Writer that lets people write AI-assisted adventures. If you want to give it a try, visit: Demo recording of Adventure Writer at 2x speed In this post dive into why I chose this project, thoughts behind the design, technical implementation and details, and how I could continue the work. Background For the past few years, as also mentioned in last week’s post, I have been curious about the synergy of human and machine intelligence, especially in creative work. ...