18 Feb, 2021
Summary Creative Personal Assistant is a speculative prototype I made to explore Stable Diffusion, the open source text-to-image AI model that was released August 2022.
As I started exploring Stable Diffusion for this prototype just a few weeks after its release, the infrastructure required to run it was slow, unstable and had associated fees, so no online demo is available for the time being.
Example of e-mail response from my Creative Personal Assistant
18 Feb, 2021
Summary Morphaweb is a free, open source, web-based application that allows you to drag-and-drop audio files into the browser, add markers and export in the correct format for the Make Noise Morphagene eurorack module. Fast, easy, free.
App: https://knandersen.github.io/morphaweb/
Source code: https://github.com/knandersen/morphaweb
Morphaweb in action
Background One of my hobbies is modular synthesis. One of the modules I use is Morphagene by Make Noise. By their own description:
The Morphagene music synthesizer module is a next generation tape and microsound music module that uses Reels, Splices and Genes to create new sounds from those that already exist.
18 Feb, 2021
Winters in Denmark are very brutal because of the lack of daylight, and the COVID-lockdown of 2020 only made it worse. I didn’t use to be affected by the darkness, but living with a foreigner experiencing her first Danish winters, I became much more aware of it.
Some years back, I started following @SunOfSeldo on Twitter. It’s an account that writes daily tweets about the advancement of daylight between winter- and summer-solstice, and finds this wonderful balance between quantitative measures of minutes and seconds of added daylight, but also writing qualitative, emotionally uplifting statements about the sun.
18 Feb, 2021
When I moved into my apartment in Boston in 2018, I wanted to decorate my place. In recent years, I have refrained from putting posters or paintings my walls, because I feel like they become invisible to me over time.
Idea As a reaction to this, I started thinking about modular, low-cost, parametric DIY-art. Made in such a way that it could be reshaped regularly.
An artist I have been very inspired by is HOTTEA who makes vibrant yarn installations, often creating gradients by having hundreds or thousands of suspended strings of yarn in slightly different hues.
Summary As this year’s first side project, I decided to make an Adventure Writer that lets people write AI-assisted adventures. If you want to give it a try, visit: http://knandersen.github.io/adventure-writer/
Demo recording of Adventure Writer at 2x speed
In this post dive into why I chose this project, thoughts behind the design, technical implementation and details, and how I could continue the work.
Background For the past few years, as also mentioned in last week’s post, I have been curious about the synergy of human and machine intelligence, especially in creative work.