Week 11

25 Apr, 2021

I missed a couple of weeks there! The weather has been excellent here in Denmark, and I’ve spend the last couple of weeks in Copenhagen enjoying the sights and good company of friends.

Recently, I gave a talk about ‘innovation in practice’ to a Danish tax audit company, which reminded me that I should have a company to refer them to, so I’m spinning up my old company that barely ever existed: superultra.dk.

I really want to do something fun with the site, and with my newly acquired THREE.js skills, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. I spent a couple of hours Saturday creating the company, setting up domain and email hosting, but also snuck in some time to fiddle around in rhino and grasshopper with the 3D objects that I want to use in THREE.js.

sketch of fragmented company logo

Sketch of fragmented company logo